The Palestinian Popular Resistance and the Possibility of Transforming it into a National Strategy 2005-2013

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Raed Neirat/supervisor
Dr. Amneh Badran/external examiern
Prof. AbdelSattar Qassem/internal examiern
Dr. Raed Neirat
Ashraf Mohyi Aldeen Mohamad Sawafta
The Palestinians have a long history of non-violent protests against their occupiers. It dates back to the Othmans, and British occupation period during the late 19th and first half of the 20s centuries. This has been one form of Palestinian resistance. In recent years, this civil resistance has become a new phenomenon and has taken many forms: protest marches hunger strikes, work stoppages, boycotts. This is the resistance of countless, unnamed people who say no to injustice, discrimination laws policies and confiscation of land. Against this background, this study examines this form of resistance and the possibility of its transformations to a national work strategy and a strategic option characterized by consensus of all Palestinian factions, thus making it a practical approach and later on a strategy and a central effective option at the Palestinian and Arab levels. This study sought to find out the extent of depending on popular resistance as a strategic option which could win a Palestinian consensus. To this end, the researcher used the historical methodology as well as the descriptive analytical approach to describe the events of the past and monitor, analyze, explain and discuss their elements, thus making it possible to understand the current events.Furthermore, this study has addressed the different political agendas of the Palestinian factions concerning their opinions towards popular resistance, extent of possibility of theirunity and consensus toward it as the sole option available in the struggle against the Israeli occupation. The study also tried to find out whether the political and organizational circumstances are conducive to achieve that unity. The researcher in this study defined and illustrated several terms/concepts pertinent to popular resistance. He also dwelt on the positions of Palestinian National Authority as well the Palestinians factions towards it. This is in addition to the extent/degree of harmony between them concerning popular resistance. The researcher also examined the extent of the popular resistance on the Palestinian population and manner of building a national work strategy for popular resistance. The researcher concluded that there is possibility for the transformation of the popular resistance to a national work strategy, given the presence of theoretical consensus among the Palestinian political forces. What remains to be done is to translate words into action. The contemporary Palestinian popular resistance has proved that it has a strong influence and can serve the Palestinian cause under current local, Arab and international circumstances. In light of the study findings, the researcherrecommends drafting a comprehensive national program and the building of a strategy for straggle based on popular resistance but keeping other options on the table. He also suggests that this kind of resistance and call for Palestinian people’s right continue. Equally important is not to keep this kind of resistance hostage to certain places or times. Palestinians have to make it a way of life and a sustainable popular resistance.
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