The Obstacles to the Da'wah (Invitational) Approach as shown in Surat Al-Hujurat

Discussion Committee: 
Dr . Odeh Abdullah /supervior
Dr. Esma'el Nawahdah/external examiner
Dr.Mohsen Khaldee/internal examiner
Dr . Odeh Abdullah /supervior
Khalid Hasan Muhammad Hassan
This research is dealing with the obstacles to the Da'wah (invitational) approach. It consists of five chapters: the first one contains the Da'wah approach definition, characteristics, importance, and the methods to apply this approach as mentioned in the holy Qur'an. The Da'wah approach is the clear way that emanates from the principle and characterized by comprehensiveness. The means to apply this approach is the wisdom, the fair advice, and the debate in the best manner. It was focused in the next chapters on the obstacles to the Da'wah approach through Surat Al-Hugurat. The researcher dealt with these obstacles in four chapters. In the second chapter, he dealt with the intellectual and doctrinal obstacles through Islam's message methodology which is the field of leadership and decision-making; and the prophet's methodology which is the field of prophetic education and faithfulness to Allah. In the third chapter, the researcher dealt with the organizational obstacles concerning the structure of society and the public order through two sections: the first is about the uncertainty and its influence, and the methods of certainty and its results. The second is about the depravation, its definition, effects and the ways to solve this problem. In the fourth chapter, the researcher dealt with the behavioral obstacles. He divided them into two parts, the collective behavioral obstacles which they are: sarcasm, slander, and name-calling; and the individual behavioral obstacles which they are: guess, spying and gossip. He showed the dangers of these two groups and the ways to get red of them. In the fifth chapter, the researcher dealt with the obstacles resulted from the lack of piety in its two sections: the lack of piety in the matters of human's willingness, and the lack of piety in the matters of Allah's commands. Then he motioned the most important results he reached in the conclusion.
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