The Most Common Problems among Government School Libraries in Directorates of Education in Northern Palestine as Viewed by the Librarians

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Ghassan Hussein Al-Hilo
Maha Hasan Al-Haj Hasan
This paper aimed at defining the most common problems among government schools libraries in directorates of education in northern Palestine as viewed by the librarians, and the areas in which these problems are concentrated. It also aimed at revealing the extent of differences in the perspectives of the levels of independent schooling variables: the governorate, educational qualification, major, full – fledge work in the library, school location, educational stage and school gender, to provide the offices concerned in the libraries department of the education ministry with relevant recommendations to adopt them in view of the importance of this action in developing government schools libraries. The study population encompassed all the libraries of the governmental schools libraries in the directorates of education in north Palestine totaling (599) librarians of both sexes. The research developed a questionnaire which is distributed among the study sample individuals comprising (121) librarian of both sexes at the governmental schools in north Palestine directorates of education using the class random sample method. The numbers of those who responded were (115) i.e. 95.4% of the study sample. The questionnaire’s validity was conducted by proposing it to a committee composing of eight arbitrators who are specialist in educational science on the libraries and information sciences. The questionnaire’s consisting factor was defined by alpha using chromback equation and the value of the total consisting factor of the questionnaire reached 97% which Is good. The researcher reached the following results: 1.There are great problems in the libraries of government schools in the directorates of education in Northern of Palestine in the field of their educational role; and there are medium problems concentrated in the fields of technical service, physical environment, administrative system and beneficiaries service consecutively. 2.There are significant mean differences at the level of (α = 0.05) in the libraries problems of the governmental schools in the North of Palestine directorates of education that are attributed to the directorate variable among directorates of education of Tulkarm, Qalqilia and Salfit in the fields of ( technical service, administrative system, educational role and beneficiaries service) in favour of both Tulkarm and Qalqilia directorate. Too, there are differences between all the directorates on the one hand and the Slafit directorate in the field of physical environment in favor of all other directorates on the other. 3.There are significant mean differences at the level of ( α = 0.05) in the libraries problems of the governmental schools in the North of Palestine directorates of education that are attributed to the educational qualification variable of the school librarian. 4. There are significant mean differences at the level of (α = 0.05) in the libraries problems of the governmental schools in the North of Palestine directorates of education that are attributed to the variable of the librarian’s major in the fields of technical service, physical environment, administrative system and educational role in favor of the specialization in library and information sciences. 5. There are significant mean differences at the level of ( α = 0.05) in the libraries problems of the governmental schools in the North of Palestine directorates of education that are attributed to the full time job variable for work in the library between time rate preoccupation (100%, 50% and 25%), and (0%) time preoccupation in favor of time rate preoccupation of 100%, 50% and 25%) in the fields of technical service, physical environments, administrative system, educational role and beneficiaries service), and the differences between the time rate preoccupation of (50%) and (25%) in the field of technical service in favor of 50% time rate preoccupation in the job. 6. There are significant mean differences at the level of (α = 0.05) in the libraries problems of the governmental schools in the North of Palestine directorates of education that are attributed to the school location variable in all fields in favor of the cities. 7. There are significant mean differences at the level of (α = 0.05) in the libraries problems of the governmental schools in the North of Palestine directorates of education that are attributed to the educational stage of the school in the field of physical environment in favor of the secondary stage. 8. There are significant mean differences at the level of (α = 0.05) in the libraries problems of the governmental schools in the North of Palestine directorates of education that are attributed to the school sex variable. These differences between male and mixed in the field of physical environment in favor of males. In the light of the study results, the researcher put forward some recommendations relating to the five fields of study. Among these recommendations are: 1. Establishing a library at every school at all stages with commitment to the uniform criteria in the new libraries design of the schools in terms of location, space, lighting, safety; and working upon developing the present libraries in line with those criteria. 2. Employing school librarians who are specialized in the science of libraries and information, or those who are qualified to work in libraries and posses the desire to serve teachers and students. 3. Developing library services by means of diversification, improving their quality, computerization to raise up the standard of school libraries and enable them to perform their duty in full.
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