Moses Story With Pharaoh Between the Holy Koran and the Old TestEment

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Mohammed Hafeth Ishreida
Nidal Abbas Jabber Dweikat
The title of this thesis is Moses story with pharaoh between Holy Koran and the old Testement I have showed in this thesis the incidents and events of Moses story with the tyrant pharaoh in the Holy Koran and the Old testement, and I have built a comparison of its events in both books, showing that the Old testement agrees with the Holy Koran in some aspects which are the general features of the story. But there is a great difference and contrast between the two books in the details of the story. In this research, I have also dealt with the many deviations acted by the Jews that are deduced and inferred from mosses story. Among them, the Jewish point of view relating to the God and messengers, especially epithet of Moses. According to this research , it has been proved that the Holy Koran is a book without any futile at all, while the present old Testement has been distorted. Moreover, I have made an index for topics, verses of the Holy Koran and another for Hadith, mentioned in this thesis. I have also included a biography of some distinguished researchers as needed. Further- more , there is an index for references. At last , I hope the God May Bless My study. As He is responsive and the all hearing.
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