Mohammad Naffa's "At-tuffaha An-nahriya" in the Light of His previous Story Collection

Discussion Committee: 
Prof. Adel Alosta / suprvisor
Prof. Mahmoud Ghanayem/external examinr
Dr. Nader Qasem/internal examiner
Prof. Adel Alosta / suprvisor
Fathy Fu’ad Mohammad Zaidan
This thesis forward an attempt to study “ Al- Tofaha Al– Nahria “ A collection of stories for the writer, Mohed Naffa`, In light of his previous stories. The researcher has set the ground for the subject by general extrapolation of short story in (48) Lands, The researcher moved to political and social biography of the author as an entrance to study his literary character. Then the researcher presented the literary issues that other researchers found in Nffa`s` stories. This thesis established -commencing - on the bases that literary works of Naffa` are countryside ones, Therefore the researcher focused on the correlation of story axes to the countryside community and land under the Israeli occupation, The researcher focused on the prominent aspects of “ Al- Tofaha Al– Nahria “ collection of stories, such as ; political and social overlap, language, representation of characters, impressive features in artistic structure. The study concluded that the collection of stories (the apple river) Stems from - as his stories in the previous collections from a central point, which took control of the writer, namely love of homeland, to some extent up to the point of sanctification on the intellectual level, what made him turn the idea of humanizing the Earth to turning earth into man . this adoration of land bring the land up to the point of the tournament at the technical level, the hero in most of the stories is the land only. This group constitutes an extension of the previous ones it emphasizes the dedication of the land and the village, so tomorrow according to Naffa` is a model village, which conveys the reality of the countryside, simplicity, language and concerns and hopes. emphasizes continuity in the writing of resistance literature.This group comes within both resistance literature, and rural literature, what we can call "At-tuffaha An-nahriya", and most of the writer stories in all of its collections, the name of resistant rural literature. Apart for distinct language and Popular characteristic of the collection of stories, there are two attributes interrelated together, highlight also in the group, namely: simplify of narration and being far from coding, which refers to the deliberations of the writer about demand of clarity dictated by the realistic of storytelling. also, the narrative description and digressions humor and irony are characteristic of this collection, in addition to the courage of the writer in his fiction, politically and socially.
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