Levels of Burnout Among the Teachers of English as a Foreign Language in the Northern Governorates of Palestine and their Relationship with Some Demographic Variables

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Fawaz Aqel- Chairman
Dr. Hannah Tushyeh- External Examiner
Dr. Suzanne Arafat- Member
Dr. Fawaz Aqel
Firas Ibrahim Mahmoud Al-Mahmoud
The purpose of this study was to investigate the levels of burnout among the teachers of English in the Northern Governorates of Palestine (NGP), and to recognize their relationship with a number of demographic variables 'including age, gender, education level, years of teaching experience,' marital status, and place of residence. To determine the degree to which burnout is spread among the teachers in the NGP the researcher put the following question: To what extent is burnout spread among the teachers of English as a foreign language in the NGP? Also, the researcher put six null hypotheses to determine the effect of the independent variables on burnout. The population of the study consisted of all male and female teachers in the state schools of the NGP for the first semester of the scholastic year 1999-2000,excluding teachers in the directorates of South Hebron and Suburbs of Jerusalem. The population was (1,498). The random sample of the study was (400) teachers. It represents 26.7% of the population. The researcher used Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) after approving its validity and calculating its reliability. The MBI measures the three dimensions of burnout: emotional exhaustion, (EE), depersonalization (DE), and lack of personal accomplishment (LPA). After the statistical treatment, the researcher came up with the following results: - The teachers of English have reported a high level of burnout as regards EE, whereas they have reported a moderate level of burnout as regards DE and LPA. - There are significant differences attributed to the age variable as regards the three dimensions of burnout in favor of the older teachers who have demonstrated lesser degrees of burnout. There are significant differences .attributed to the gender variable as regards DE and LPA in favor of the females who have reported lesser degrees of burnout. While no significant difference was found between males and females as regards EE. - There were significant differences attributed to the education level. The differences were in favor of the Secondary and Diploma, and BA groups. As the education level decreases, burnout decreases too. - There were significant differences attributed to the years of experience in teaching variable. Less experienced teachers have revealed greater degrees of burnout. - There were significant differences attributed to the marital status variable in favor of the married group. They have reported lesser degrees of burnout than the teachers under different categories. - There were significant differences attributed to the place residence variable in favor of the teachers who live in villages. They havereported lesser degrees of burnout than residents of camps and cities. In the light of the results of this study, the researcher suggested recommendations for teachers and the educational authorities.
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