Israeli Colonies Impact on Physical Expansion of Palestinian Settlement Hebron Governorate

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Ali Adelhamid
Dr. Aziz Dweik
Mahmoud Abdullah Mohamad Isleimieh
The long period of Israeli occupation to West Bank, and as a result of National policies absence or weakness areas, Hebron district, as other west bank cities, suffers from random expansion in Palestinian cities, Hebron had suffered from Israelis settlements since 1967, in order to occupy Palestinian land and to damage and destroy their life in different sides, consequence, more than 27 settlements have been constructed in Hebron District, which affect developing areas expansion. So Palestinian expansion concentrated inside intensive inhabiting areas, on the contrary, settlements are spreading out of the expense of building development of Palestinian cities. In addition, the study concentrated on the role of the Israeli Separation Wall in destroying and confiscating of the Palestinians land and it's effect on Palestinians' building in Hebron Distract. The main objective of the study is to investigate the effect of Israeli settlements on the development and expansion of building during the period of occupation. The result of this study concluded that the existence of Israeli occupation and the establishment of settlements and the separation Wall on the Palestinian land had and still preventing Palestinian people from their human rights in building houses for their national increase and caused separation between towns and villages by the high road and the partition 4The study had concluded that national plans have to be prepared for the future development and expansion of citizen building to fulfill the Palestinian needs according to their natural increase.
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