The impact of social Webs on the Awareness of Najah University students Regarding the Palestinian Issue

Discussion Committee: 
Prof. Abdul Sattar Qasem /suprvisor
Dr.Abdel-Raheem Mohamad Al-Sheek/external examiner
Dr. Masoud Egbareyah/internal examiner
Prof. Abdul Sattar Qasem /suprvisor
Shadan Yaquob Khaleel Abu Yaqoub
This study aimed to indicate the effect that social webs on political awareness of the Palestinian crisis on range of students in An-Najah National University as one of the largest universities in the West Bank, because social webs play an important role in the public and academic life. The researcher supposed that there were no statistically significant differences on level of significance(α=0.05) between average areas of political awareness and social webs related to(gender, place of residence, specialization, political belonging). The researcher used the descriptive, analytical method to analyze the effect of social webs on the political awareness of the Palestinian crises from the point of view of An-Najah University students. And relied on the questionnaire as a study tool. The study sample consisted of 273 students from the university. The result showed that the social webs have contributed in the reinforcement of the political and social awareness and the strengthening of political values and political participation and made people aware of what is happening around them, both at the external level and the internal level, related to the Palestinian issue, through creating thousands of pages and launching campaigns and events that dealt with and handled the Palestinian issue. The most important are the matter of the refugees, Jerusalem, settlements and disunity. However, despite the importance of social webs media, there are many challenges facing Palestinian youth against the large flow and widespread of information through these social webs, that make it difficult to filter this information and determine the reliability and validity, as these sites might become a hotbed for rumor and uncertain truth. As a result, they might spread delusions, and someone may use it to promote specific polices that serve certain ideologies away from transparency, objectivity and credibility. Accordingly, the researcher concluded a series of recommendations including: • Working on exposing Israeli practices against the Palestinian people, and spreading cultural values that serve the national project, as well as the highlighting of the Palestinian identity through social webs. • Punishing the owners of accounts that promote destructive thoughts and spread rumors that create disorder, whether these accounts belonged to individuals or institutions. • Investing the social webs to spread the national culture, and promote the spirit of belonging among individuals away from sectarianism.
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