The Impact of Hezbollah on the Development of the Thinking and the Methods of Resistance in Arabia

Discussion Committee: 
Prof. Abdul- Sattar Qasem
Refqa Nabeel Motlaq Shaqoor
This thesis discusses the effect of Hezbollah in the development of resistant thoughts and methods in the Arab region. the following hypothesis posits that: Experience formed the Lebanese resistance represented by the Lebanese Hezbollah through the performance levels of the military, political, and medium activities, and a qualitative shift in the thinking of resistance development in the Arab region and their performance. The Researcher adopted a descriptive and analytical approach to the information obtained on the subject of research. The Researcher reviewed in the heart of this thesis several issues including the concept of an Islamic resistance according to the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), as well as studying this understanding according to Shiite ideology, and how the effect of intellectual inheritance promotes the concept of the Shiite party Hezbollah. The Researcher stood in the second part on the circumstances surrounding the party's roots, upbringing, and the ambiguities surrounding its existence. the method of dealing with the Lebanese internal situation and how it emerged on the ground was also observed and analyzed. The primary focus was on the causes and implications during the july 2006 war for the party in the internal, regional, international spheres. The third part reviewed the party's ideology, goals, the origins of its platform, the nature of its vision of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the method of drafting its alliances and motives for these alliances. In addition, the researcher observed the handling of the relationship between Hezbollah and the Palestinian case, and its relationship with Iran "the incubator" since the party has been established. The Researcher dealt with in Section IV the parties patterns of preparation and techniques done to face the occupation. The techniques involved both direct in direct methods, indirect methods have been raising the combatants, informing the party and its channels using electronic warfare between the parties, security and intelligence warfare, political actions, capital investment to support development and resistance, and recruiting the cultural programs, and the ethical intervals. The Researcher studied the details related to the use of the methods and the effect on the domestic and regional levels. The techniques and tools of direct military use included ambush and raid operations, martyrdom operations, explosive devices and attacks, control sites, supporting firearms, and capturing Israeli soldiers operations. In Section V, the researcher reviewed effects of Hezbollah at the Arab masses in general and the Palestinian public in particular, the manifestations of this influence, how the achievements of the party reflected the vision of the public on the nature of the solution to the Arab- Israeli conflict, and how their perspective has changed about the strength of Israel, which is not viewed invincible. As well as the position of the Arab governments, and the nature of their concerns about the growing strength of the party and the growing impact, suspicions were raised about how the Party has embarrassed the Arab governments in sequential order. Section VI; observes the effect of Hezbollah's thinking and techniques of Arab resistance movements, and how the Arab resistance movements have worked by copying the techniques of Hezbollah in the confrontation. In the last section, the Researcher has found that Hezbollah latest set of changes on the level of resistance thoughts and techniques in the Arab world and the public's perception of the Arab resistance strategic options are perceived following are the most important recommendations that could contribute to the solution of the problem of the study.
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