God's Love in Qura'an and Sunna

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Hussein AL-Naqeeb
Samerah Ahmad Mustfa Majdobeh
I have discussed in my study the meaning of love in language and idiom and the difference between intimacy ,love and yearning. I have also made it clear the nature of the way that leads to God's love which is not an easy task full of roses, but rough and thorny and can't be reached except by those who are strong believers and serious in their way to get god's love and may god be pleased with them. In my study, I have presented the qualities of god's lovers which distinguished them from others through quotations with verses .from Quran and Hadith by prophet Mohammad ( peace be upon him) that explains these good qualities. After that. I have highlighted the qualities that god detests and the causes that Man to be misled and destroyed in life and in the afterlife, and I made it clear the ways of remedy from those dangerous diseases. Finally, I have gathered the fruits of god's love for his believers and the reward he has prepared for them in their present and afterlife.
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