God's Care of his Worshippers in Quranic Verses

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Mohsen Al-Khalidi - Supervisor
Dr.Hatem Jalal - External examiner
Dr. Khaled Elwan - internal examiner
Dr. Mohsen Al-Khalidi
Omama Fakhri Ibrahim Al-Aqtam
Praise the Lord of the Worlds And prayer and peace upon the best of creation and Messengers. Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions, but after: God has helped me to write this paper, which was titled God Save the slaves in the light of the Koran to complement the requirements of the Master's study under the supervision of Dr. Mohsen Al-Khalidi. I have included this letter intro Which included an introduction and three chapters and a conclusion, where I spoke in the first chapter: the concept of conservation in the language and terminology, and came to the meanings of conservation in the context of the Qur'an, and the signs of God's name Hafiz and Hafiz, and words related to, and derivatives of the word conservation in the Koran, in the second chapter, speaking on the types Remember God for His slaves, and means, including: God save the slave in his religion and his faith, and God save the slave in the interests of this world, and the means I mentioned, including: angels peacekeepers, and to harness the universe, and law divine, As for the separation of the latter has talked about models verses to save God, and spoke it for the maintenance of God's prophets, starting from the story of Noah, peace be upon him to the story of Muhammad peace be upon him, and the second requirement was it to mention keeping God for His close friends, like the story of the Cave, and the story of the man who passed on the village, and a believer of Pharaoh and a woman Pharaoh, and Conclusion and, finally, I ask God in both realms peasant life and the Hereafter
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