Food Problem and its Solution, A Quranic Study

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Odeh Abdallah
Dr. Ala' Al-Sartawi
Lina Ziyad Ahmed Al-Debek
Food, whether it is eaten or drunk, is the thing that the body needs to grow. This idiom, however, did not occur in the Holy Quran, but there are other terms which occurred which point out to it such as drinking and eating, in addition to other terms which are related to it such as livelihood, bless and others. Food is a gift from God, and He gives it to whoever He wants of His worshippers. Each person shall have his own share depending on how much he worked and on how much he depended and relied on God. A believer is always confident and assured about his livelihood because he knows that God will not let him die of hunger. The Holy Quran sees food problem as a very serious one which has a bad effect on the creed and the morals of the individuals and their behavior, their health as well as their thinking. Add to this the disturbance of society, lack of security and stability. This problem is man made, as the verses in the Holy Quran indicate, and its reasons are: - Committing guilt and sins, being ungrateful to God for His bless and denying it. The Quranic therapy for this is to have piety towards God the Almighty, to thank Him for this bless and to use it in a way that pleases Him. - Behavioral and economic reasons which the Holy Quran has solved through : A call for an appropriate utilization of natural resources, equal distribution of wealth, and appropriate consumption of food. Solving this problem will never take place unless we submit to the law of God and to abide by its guidance. And for this problem, The Holy Quran has provided a set of models which are related to it in addition to lessons and teachings.
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