An Evaluation of Land Suitability for UrbanDevelopment in Hebron City Using Geographical Information Systems (GIS

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Ahmad Rafat Ghodieh/suprvisor
Dr. Ahmad Grayeb/external examiner
Dr. Hussen Ahmad/intrenal examiner
Dr. Ahmad Rafat Ghodieh/suprvisor
Ahmad Waleed Mohammad Sawalha
This study aimed at evaluating the spatial adequacy of the constructional development in Hebron by employing spatial analysis method. Besides, it was carried out by taking care of farmlands without any constructional expansion at the expense of damaging them and determining the methods of the evaluation of the spatial adequacy of the constructional development. In addition, the city suffered from the random expansion, in which spacial adequacy and the constructional development were not considered. Consequently, the unstable political situation and the restrictions of the occupation led the city to the lack of local constructional planning and the weakness in constructional development that construction was random. Based on the previously mentioned, the spatial evaluation of the constructional development was carried out in order to channel the developmental process in the future to the most appropriate areas for the influential factors upon the constructional development in Hebron. Besides, the information of the GIS was analyzed spatially by using the “Spatial Analtst” application. Furthermore, the researcher conducted the process of “Weighted Overlay” by giving the weights of the influential factors on the expansion of the city according to the relative significance of each factor. The results showed that the most suitable locations for constructional development were centered along the city’s West-Northern borders and randomly in its northern and Western and Southern areas. The total area of the constructional development was approximately 1.6 Km2 taking in consideration that the areas of the constructional development were suitable for all uses except for the landfills of the industrial waste. This implied a serious need for a careful planning for land investment until restricting the industrial investment of the lands in the Southern part of the city for its suitability for such purposes for environmental reasons. This study also sought to make use of the tools of spatial analysis available in the system of GIS in order to explore the suitability of a geographical location based on the constructional development and expansion of all residential, educational, health and entertaining sectors. Thus, Hebron was chosen for this study in order to apply all the tools of the spacial analysis and the system of GIS to study the appropriateness of the area for the constructional development. Consequently, this study focused on the concept of spacial analysis joining it with other spacious analysis tools available in other systems such as Arc GIS and Spatial Analyst that this study included applying the procedure on the chosen area practically and exploring the methodology used in this study along with the data available in Hebron. The researcher concluded that the investigating the degree of the suitability of the location for constructional development and its percentage is possible with the help of the architects. This is because they choose the best locations for housing, entertainment, educational or health purposes as a way to pave the way to constructional restrictions qualifying them for developmental purposes. The researcher recommended that carrying out the rules and legislations is imperative in order to protect the use of land without occupying all the farm lands. Furthermore, rules should be passed to protect the green lands, and prevent the constructional expansion from taking away the green the lands lessening the negative effects of construction on these lands. It is also recommended to have an efficient scheme that includes all the parts of the city in which an efficient policy is followed and ruled out by the local authorities. Besides, it is imperative to assess the stages of the implementation every 5 years in order to monitor the constructional development and its tendencies in case it was according to official plan or was violated to be directed to the original scheme again.
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