The Effect of Smoking on Increasing the Risk of Type II Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Suleiman Khalil - Chairman
Dr. Ali Alsha'ar - Co-supervisor
Dr. Jamal Al-Alool - External examiner
Dr. Mohammad Mosmar - Internal examiner
Dr. Suleiman Khalil
Dr. Ali Alsha
Buthaina Farah Khalil Salawdeh
The current study aims at exploring the effect of cigarette smoking on the susceptibility to develop Type2 DM and hypertension among adult males in the refugee population in the northern area of West Bank, in period from the 1st of December to 30th of March 2005-2006, for cases not known to have Type2 diabetes or hypertension. The objectives of the study were set to assist public health practitioners in developing health education program aiming at the prevention of smoking and reduce the risks for developing hypertension We notice from this screening test that 36.2% of the cases have high BP. 13.1% have high RBS. This indicates that there are a high percentage of people who have hypertension & Type 2 DM, this study provides baseline data on these diseases in refugee people in Palestine. Information that is essential for the implementation of national planning and service provision. It was found that cigarette smoking can increase the risk of Type 2 DM & there were no statistical effect of smoking on hypertension but smoking can increases cardiovascular disease which lead to HTN disease. Increasing BMI can increase the risk of the HTN & Type 2 diabetes mellitus. FH especially in first degree relatives can increase the risk of HTN, & genetic predisposition was found to be low in Type 2 DM in this study, also practicing sport play a role in decreasing the risk of Type2 DM.
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