The Effect of Proposed Training Program According to the Playing Style on Some Physical, Technical, and Physiological Variables Amongst Soccer Beginners

Discussion Committee: 
Prof. Abdel Naser Qadumi/supervisor
Dr. Jamal Abu-Besharah/External examiner
Prof. Emad Abdel-Haqq-internal examiner
Dr. Mahmoud Atrrash/internal examiner
Prof. Abdel Naser Qadumi/supervisor
Mohammad Shorbaje
The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of Proposed Training Program (PTP) According to the playing style on selected physical, technical, and physiological variables amongst soccer beginners.To achieve that, the study was conducted on a sample consisted of (30) subjects aged (14-16) years, and distributed randomly into two equal groups experimental group and control group. The Proposed Training Program (PTP) and Traditional Training Program (TTP)applied for 12 weeks, three times per week, pre and post both training programs the following physical technical and physiological measures were conducted: physical measures include: (general endurance, speed, speed-endurance, strength-endurance ,power, and agility), technical measures include: (ball control, scrolling, shooting, shuffle, throw, and hitting the ball to the head), physiological measures include: (maximum oxygen consumption, anaerobic power, and anaerobic capacity), (SPSS) packages was used to analyze the results. The study revealed the following results: - There were a significant positive effect of Proposed Training Program (PTP) According to the playing style on the study variables ,where the percentages of change were as follows : general endurance (-12.02%), speed (- 26.02%), speed-endurance (-5.74%), strength-endurance (14.37%), power (10.17%), agility (-8.16%), dribbling the ball (20.62%), scrolling (48.45%), shuffle (-11.94%), shooting (52.95%), throw (11.90%), hitting the ball to the head (122.22%), anaerobic power (14.21%), anaerobic capacity( 7.73%), and the maximum consumption oxygen (19.13%). -There were a significant positive effect of Traditional Training Program (TTP) on the study variables ,where the percentages of change were as follows : general endurance (-11.54%) , speed (-17.42%), power (6.00%),agility (-3.76%), dribbling the ball (6.89%), scrolling (27.89%), shuffle (-5.42%), shooting (38.74%), throw (5.89%), hitting the ball to the head (54.89%), anaerobic power (7.50%), anaerobic capacity( 3.88%), and the maximum consumption oxygen (8.48 %). -There were no significant differences in general endurance, speed-endurance, throw, anaerobic power, anaerobic capacity, and maximum oxygen consumption in the post test among the two groups, while, rhere were a significant differences in speed, abdomen strength-endurance , power, agility, and dribbling the ball, passing, zigzag running with the ball, shooting, hit the ball to the head, between players of the experimental and control groups in favor of players of the experimental group. Based on the findings of the study the researcher recommended several recommendations including: the use of the proposed training program depending on the playing style in the development of physical, technical, and physiological variables amongst soccer beginners. Key words: Soccer, Playing Style, Training Program, Beginners, Physical, Technical, Physiological.
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