The Effect of the Fartlek Proposed Training Program on Some of the Physiological and Physical Variables Amongst Soccer Players in An-Najah National University/ Nablus

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. MahmuodAlatrash/supervisor
Dr. Bashar Saleh/co-supervisor
Dr. Ahmad Khawajah/external examiner
Dr. Jamal Shaker/internal exmainer
Dr. MahmuodAlatrash/supervisor
Dr. Bashar Saleh/co-supervisor
Ismail zakarneh
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Fartlek Proposed Training Program on Some of Physiological and Physical Variables Amongst Soccer Players in An-Najah National University, to achieve this, the study was conducted on a sample of (30) players, aged (18-24) years, The researcher employed the experimental method as it suits the nature of the study, and distributed randomly equally to two groups experimental group and control group. The training programs applied for (7) weeks, three times per week, before and after applying the training program the physical variables were tested (speed, agility, the explosive power of the legs, strength- endurance muscles of the arms, strength- endurance muscles of the abdominal), and physiological variables were tested (maximum consumption oxygen (VO2MAX), anaerobic power (AP), anaerobic capacity(AC)), after conducting statistical analysis, the study revealed the following results: 1.The effect of the Fartlek Proposed Training Program on all Physiological and Physical variables understudy, the statistical significance between, pre and post measurements, and the benefits of the post measurements. The percentage of change was as follows: Physical variables: speed (11.96%), and agility (8.01%), the explosive power of the legs (30.02%), strength- endurance muscles of the arms (36.11%), endurance muscles of the abdominal (34.29%), physiological variables : maximum consumption oxygen(VO2MAX) (53.44%), anaerobic power(AP) (41.17%), anaerobic capacity(AC) (35.25%). 2.The control group was not effected on all Physiological and Physical variables understudy, the study results revealed statistical not significant differences between average pre and post measurements for the control group. 3. the study results revealed statistical differences significant on all Physiological and Physical variables understudy in the post measurements between the experimental and control groups to the benefit of the experimental group, excluding the speed variables is not significant differences in the post measurements between the experimental and control groups. Based on the findings of the study the researcher recommended: Necessity generalization the results of study at coaches youth soccer, especially soccer coaches in Palestinian universities, in order to help benefit in the present and future time in the preparation of training programs. Keywords: Fartlek Training, maximum consumption oxygen (VO2MAX, anaerobic power(AP), anaerobic capacity(AC)
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