The Degree of Administrative Empowerment and the Moral and the Relationship between them in Basic School Teachers in Tulkarm Governorate from their Point of View

Discussion Committee: 
Prof. Ghassan Hussein Al-Hilo
Prof Zeyad Barakat/external examiner
Dr.Hasan Tayyem/internal examiner
Prof. Ghassan Hussein Al-Hilo
Shirin Ibrahim Salama Mustafa
The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of administrative empowerment and its relationship to teachers' morale in basic public schools in Tulkarm, also aimed to identify the role of the variables of the study(gender, educational qualificarions, major, experince in teaching, and pace of accomedation) where the researcher followed the Correlative descriptive method to the study, and the researcher to choose a cluster random sample representative of the number school teachers in in Tulkarm, as was the distribution of (255) to identify the study sample. the results of the study show a high degree of degree of administrative empowerment with average (3.7) and standard deviation ( 0.61), Results of the study indicate that the degree of morale in morale, has come with an average (3.8) and a standard deviation (0.55), and this shows the high degree in the teachers' morale. the results of the study show a statistically significant positive correlation at (0.05 = α) between administrative empowerment and teachers, where the value of the correlation coefficient (0.77). Based on the results of the study it has been put forward a set of recommendations such as the need to build an educational atmosphere of trust and mutual respect between the school director and teacher, and the school director depends objective methods in the exercise of his roles, and the promotion of human relations between the teacher and school administration, such as post-school director at social events, and develop a private school Director models and methods contribute to raise the morale of teachers, so focus on the importance of training and qualification of teachers.
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