A classification Of Implication :Contrastive Study Between Al- Hanaffiah And Al-mutakallemeen Methods

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Hasan Sa'ed Khader/supervisour
Dr.Ahmad Abdel-Jawwad
Dr.Naser al-deen Al-Sha'er
Dr. Hasan Sa'ed Khader
Tasneem Abdul Rahim Ahmed Yasseen
Abstract Thank for god of world Prayers and peace on the best of messenger Mohammad peace be upon him and all this relative and his companions. This my dissertation en tattle (A classification Of Implication: Contrastive Study Between Al- Hanaffiah And Al-mutakallemeen Methods.) I have submitted this study as a complement for acquirement for master degree. I divided it into five chapters. Beginning with an introductory one. Then chapter one which I talk in it about Al- Hanaffiah Methods concerning indication division on, then chapter two which was about Al-mutakallemeen community for indication, chapter three was for comparison between these two methods, while chapter four and the final, I investigated some applicable issues relating to this difference in classification. The most important result: 1- Al- Hanaffiah divided the Implications into text statement, text mark, text Implication and text requiremend. 2- Al-mutakallemeen classified the implications into spoken and conceipt and each have then own classification. 3-text statement according to Hanaffiah is the same frank spoken as Al-mutakallemeen. 4-text mark and requiremend for Al- Hanaffiah are both the same for Al-mutakallemeen who made them of un frank spoken. 5-text Implication for Al- Hanaffiah is the agreement concepts for Al-mutakallemeen.
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