Bader-Eddine Yousef Ben Lu'lu' Athahabi Poetry (607-680 H.) Artistic and Subjective Drama

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Ra'ed Abdel-Raheem/supervisor
Prof. Mashhoor Habbazee/external examiner
Dr. Abdel-Khaleq E'ssa/internal examiner
Dr. Ra'ed Abdel-Raheem/supervisor
Asma' Abdulatif Abdu-Fattah Hamd
This research handles the study of the subject “Poetry of Bader El-Din Yousef Ibn Lulu Al-Dzahabi” objective and art study. This study is considered a link of the links of art research in the history of the Arab arts. It discloses the veil of a poet considered of the most famous poets ot the two ages: The Ayyubide and the Mamluke, and What he produced of Poetric inheritance. Then by his merit, the succession of the links of development and literary Progress through the Islamic ages. And in spite of the Poet’s importance and Poetry. There is no comprehensive scientific study that handled his Poetry of the objectivity and art sides. From here, this study came to disclose the veil of these two points of his poetry, and collection of Poetry. The study followed the investigative, descriptive and analytic syllabus, and relied on the two historic and aesthetic syllabuses in dealing the poetric text, and depended on the poet’s printed collection of Poetry, and investigated what had been left of his poetry, then its objective and art study. It showed his active role in the Poetric movement. The study was conducted in a preface and four chapters and appendix: First: The life of Bader El-Din Yousef Ibn Lulu Al-Dzahabi. Second: Subject of Bader El-Din Yousef Ibn Lulu Al-Dzahabi poetry. Third: The technical study of Bader El-Din Yousef Ibn Lulu Al-Dzahabi Poetry. Four: The restricted on the collection of Poetry. Five: In this study, I totaled what the study had reached to results.
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