The Authorities and Strategies of Municipalities and Local Units “A” and its Influences on Participation and Development (1996-2004)

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Baseem Ezbidi
Marouf Muhammad Ibrahim Zahran
This study started in its first chapter with an introduction about the subjects related to the thesis, which is without, it’s difficult to understand the basic components of the study which are about the meaning of the political system, strategic and local administration. In addition to the meaning of political administration and the difference between local administration and local government, centralization and decentralization. In the second chapter the thesis started with the Authorities and tools of local administration as a basic component of the study such as legal and administrative component, such as legal and administrative Authorities as the main hypothesis of the thesis which pretends that, if the authorities and tools of the Mayors and local authorities are more, in condition of enough financial sources, sovereignty of law, stability of political situations this will increase decentralization strategies, and more participation. In the third chapter the study goes deeply to search and analyze the law of local administration in Jordan No (29) 1955.Then to the law of the Egyptian local administration No (43) of 1979. Then to the Palestinian local government law No (1) 1997, After the analyization which is based on three different systems of local administration that put the mechanism for the works in the local authority or city council. It’s so clear that the system of the Egyptian local administration tried to be so close to the system of French local administration, in away affected negatively the Egyptian local administration. But the Jordanian local administration and the Palestinian local government did the same mistake of the Egyptian one, as both of them are so centralized more than that of the British local administration although they are so long away from each other and there is a big difference in the political, economical, social and cultural circumstances. In chapter four the conclusion was that we are in bad need for a strategy of local development through local leaders of local association by participation of all sectors, and institutions of civil society ; especially the private section; putting in mind the needs, and factors for successful development, which is based on legal and legislative terms, in addition to human resources and suitable environment and culture which are all needed for comprehensive development for the community with wide of people participation.
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