Asking for a Permission in the Qura,n and As-Suna A Comprehensive Study

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Hussien Al Naqeeb/supervisor
Dr. Mohamad Yousef Al-Deek/external examiner
Dr. Khader Sawandak/internal examiner
Dr. Hussien Al Naqeeb/supervisor
Islam Kamal Saeed Suliman
This study mainly defined the concept of Permission linguistically and idiomatically. As well as highlighting and discussing the verses and AlAhadith(sayings of the prophet Mohammad pbh) related to the topic. Also this study shed the light on the kinds of Permissions, and the most important Islamic laws that highly related to Permission. This research ends by concluding the following claims: 1-Permission -especially when entering the houses of others_ is a must that we as Muslims have to abide by for several reasons. Firstly, as a way to keep privacy and personal life for the owners of the houses. Secondly, to keep safety and security since the house supposed to be the center of comfort. 2- The visitor should choose the appropriate time to pay anyone a visit. Also s/he has to be as polite as possible
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