The Arab Ba'th Socialist Party in Palestine And it's Role in The Palestinian National Movement Between 1948-1982

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Nezam Izat Abbasi
Abed Al Azeez Ameen Mosa Arar
Popularity of the Arab National current which included both the Ba'th party and followers of Jamal Abed-Al- Naser. Simultaneously, The Palestinian political Entity current and the P.L.O were going up in popularity and reputation among people. Ba'th party gave great attention to Palestinian issue since 1959, thus, it illustrated the importance of the eminent role of the Palestinian people to liberate Palestine. Indeed, and after 1965, it adopted public liberation War to liberate Palestine. I Following the defeat 1967, it established two organizations, ALSai'qah (liberation War Vanguards) and the Arab liberation front. With these organizations Ba'th maintained the same idea to reject reconciliation with Zionism. And with its communities, they fought Against Jordanian and Lebanon attempts to cease militant actions. They also fought to defend the Palestinian Revolution in 1970 and 1976. Despite that, these two organizations were of less popularity Compared with (FAT H) and Popular front for the liberation of Palestine, since they were affected by political shocks and by the circumstances in both Iraq and Syria and the role of the tow played in towards the Palestinian cause The popularity of Sai' qa has declined, indeed it is eliminated in Palestine, whereas, the Arab Liberation Front is still active and taking part in the Palestinian uprising (Intifada), due to Iraqi, Ba'th support for the Palestinian issue. The Iraqi brave attitude to resist the Western American savage attack, has increased the popularity of (A. L. F) as a good means to encounter the western coalition.
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