Anger in the Prophet’s Sunna

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Hussain AL - Naqeeb /supervisor
Dr. Nader Salyab/external examiner
Dr. Mohsen Khaldi/internal examienr
Dr. Hussain AL - Naqeeb /supervisor
Mahmoud Ibrahim Salem Abu Hussain
This study aims to collect all what is approved about the prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) in the issue of anger, as well to study the issue of anger in the modern objectivity. Also, to study (AlAhadeeth) that is related to anger and to judge them, which are the sayings by the Prophet Mohammed, and to mention the scientists’ judgments upon it. In addition, to showing the phases of the prophets miracles in dealing with this feeling, through showing the Islam inclusiveness and its excel in dealing with such issues. The study addressed this issue in three parts, the first one: it talked about anger in general, as it addressed lingual and expressional meaning of anger, and showed the nature of anger and its source through AlAhadeth that talk about it. It categorized its types and its levels in the light of the prophets Sunna and illustrated an example for every type. Moreover, it mentioned the preferable will of leaving anger and suppressing it. I tried to collect all that is true for this issue about the prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him), and I explained the gradual prophetical judgment upon despised anger. The right evidences showed that the angry person is responsible for what they say or do, and this part was concluded by how to treat anger in the light of the prophet’s Sunna. As for part two, the talk was about Allah’s anger and what is related to it through the prophet’s Ahadeeth (peace be upon him). I addressed the points about Allah’s anger in Ahadeeth of the prophet (peace be upon him), then I indicated the relation of Allah’s anger as a result of the humans’ anger through Sunna. I specialized some parts about some people who are angered upon, and I concluded it by talking about the causes of Allah’s anger through what is rightly known about the prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). In the third part: the talk was about the prophet Mohammed’s (peace be upon him) anger and what is related to him through prophetical Ahadeeth. I addressed the prophet’s method in anger, and AlSahabe ( the prophets friends) in fulfilling his satisfaction, and their fear and prayers from (peace be upon him) anger. I came up with a number of examples on that, and then I talked about (peace be upon him) anger to his friend and family. I concluded this part with how (peace be upon him) dealt with the angry and I collected all the situations AlSahaba and others were angry in, from what the prophet seen or told about. I was aware in all these three parts to gather all what is approved by the prophet (peace be upon him) in its details. I studied the supporters which required studying and I judged it according to what I stood upon. I was aware to mention the group judgment by the old and the new scientists, who were known for their exceptions in this art, as I agreed with them in many judgments and was against them in some others.
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