Al-Moa'jam Al-Jamea "The Comprehensive Lexicon": Al-Faa' Letter

Discussion Committee: 
Prof. Mohammad Jwad Al-Nuri
Mohammad Othman mohammad Othman
This research study, whose title is : Al - Mu'jam AI- lame' (The Comprehensive Lexicon) AI-Faa' II letter, deals with the compilation of Arabic dictionaries, newly- acquired of them and old ones, too, in one unique, renewed, contemporary resource, in a way that world spare there searchers: amateurs, as well as professionals of them, spares them the effort to refer to more than one lexicon, when they wish to look for the meaning of a lexical vocabulary. The dictionary tears down, as well, the empyreal and spatial frontiers already mistakenly set up among the various epochs of language. It confirms that there is a unity in the Arabic language which combines its extremities. This dictionary expresses the innovations of meanings, and it harmonizes with the necessities of this age. After that, there is a chapter on names and it contains names of persons and countries (Aalam AI-Ebad and Aalam AI- Belad)The end of this research is a chapter of specialized scientific idioms of all field.
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