Al-Barzakh in the Light of the Holy Quran and the Prophet’s Sunna

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Muhsen Khaldi
Shadi Fawzi Mohammad Bushkar
Thanks to Allah and peace be upon his last prophet Muhammad, In this thesis, I demonstrated the conception of Barzakh life (in Islam, the life or the period being spent after one dies till the Resurrection Day) which starts from dying and giving up the ghost, I also discussed how the dying Muslim believer should think good of the God and how bad consequences it could be for those who don t do so. Moreover, I ve showed what dying one faces of agonies of death. Then I showed the journey of Soul towards Heaven and how the Soul of a believer is being honored and an unbeliever is being punished and insulted. I also demonstrated the conception of Soul, and whether the Soul is being punished or the body or both of them, I discussed also whether souls meet and visit each others in the Barzakh and where the final destination of souls is. I ve also defined the TWO ANGELS, and what reasons lead to grave punishment and what reasons may save a Muslim from this punishment. I ve discussed also the hearing of dead people to what is being said by those who are alive. And how prophet Muhammad heard those who were being punished, this which has to do with the relationship between the dead people and the alive, and I also mentioned the good deeds that might benefit a Muslim when he is alive and after he dies, and what deeds being done by alive people may benefit the dead people, and many other issues related. At the end I discussed how the Barzakh life is ended by blowing the Horn (the Resurrection Day) and then the important results.
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