AL-Andalus Grammarians Efforts in Facilitating Arabic Grammar

Discussion Committee: 
Prof. Wael Abu Saleh
Fadi Saqer Ahmad Aseedi
This study is considered one of the fundamental studies in the linguistic and syntax research studies in Arabic language history as it tries to reveal the cultural and scientific legacy of the Islamic culture in Spain. This study, which consists to five chapters, aims to investigate the endless efforts of the grammarians in Al-Andalus (Spain) to simplify Arabic grammar and solve many related problematic issues. Thus, this study tries to shed light on the different styles and methods followed to achieve the above mentioned goals. In the introduction, the researcher in this study clarifies the importance of the subject, justifies why it was chosen and explains the methodology followed throughout the study. Chapter one discusses the introduction of syntax to Spain, the most famous grammarians and their roles in the development of this science, the reasons behind the publicity of the science of syntax in Spain and how this science was affected by jurist writings and their different approaches mainly the apparent doctrines and the various factors that motivated the grammarians is Spain to simplify the rules and principles of syntax. Chapter two targets three Spanish grammar books written mainly to simplify grammar. I introduced the most popular methods used to simplify grammar in three resource books. Those books are "Al-Wadih" written by Abu-Bakr Al-Zubaidi, Al-"Tawti'a" written by Abu-Ali Ashlobin and "Al- Tasheel" written by Ibn-Malik Al-Jiyyani. Chapter three discusses the efforts of the Spanish grammarians in explaining and illustrating grammar books that come from the East which were considered a basic tool in simplifying grammar for the Spanish Muslims .In this study I introduced the most popular books well-known for the people of Spain among which are 'Sibawayh book', "Al-Jamal" written by Al-Zujaji, "Al-Iedah" written by Abu-Ali Al-Fasi. Those books were explained by great scholars like Al-Shantamri, Ibn-Al-Batlayousi, Al-Labli and Al-Saffar. Chapter four tackles the rejection of the linguists in Spain to some of the grammar issues mainly Al-thawani and Al-Thawalith and their rejection to the theory of the (Doer) like Ibn-Al-Mada'Al-Qortobi and Ibn-hazm who rejected such doctrines. In addition to that I presented the opinions of many Spanish linguists who rejected the idea of linguistic cause and its linguistic effects and the impact of that on grammar. Chapter five introduces poetry used for teaching grammar in Spain used as a significant tool to simplify grammar and lessen the problem of syntax. A representative selection was chosen by the researcher as an example of the most popular types of poetry composed for that purpose. The findings and recommendations come at the end of this research.
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