دور الجمعيات الإسلامية المسيحية في الحركة الوطنية الفلسطينية في الفترة ما بين 1918-1931م

Discussion Committee: 
Ahmad Mahmmod Ahmad Al-hroub
This research aims at pointing out the Islamic - Christian Societies which formed the first aspect (phase) of the organized political perception in the Palestinian consciousness. It also aims at pointing out the role of these societies in the national Palestinian movement between ''i' A- , 'ii' A.D. specially if we know that those societies formed the public base of the this movement. The researcher was encouraged to deal with this issue because of the lack specialized studies in this field , regardless of the great many researches issued on the Palestinian crisis during the British mandate. These studies didn't discuss the thesis ( subject-matter) of these societies in details . So , we can say that these researches only gave definition of these societies . The research procedures depend ultimately on the references and primary sources available which talk directly or indirectly about these societies . The researcher depends on the chronically sequences to classify the information . to clarify everything of his research , the researcher divided his research into five chapters and an epilogue besides tables and appendixes . The first chapter discusses the subject matter of these societies , their nature , their beginning & establishment, their procedures , aims , branches in the Palestinian societies , and their development . Then the researcher moved to their role in the national movement ; so he talked about the national conferences and the role of these societies in these conferences . He stated the societies activities in the face of ( King - Krin) American committee and the Public Syrian Conference and the role of these societies in supporting the Palestinian delegation . Then he talked about the demonstrations and disturbance which spread through Palestine ; he talked about all the events which the Islamic and Christian societies had a role in it . After that , the researcher talked about the role of these societies' in confronting the Zionist movement and the British government . In the first section , he pointed at these societies' activities against the Zionist mission & Jewish emigration and defending the Arab lands against the Zionist greediness; and confronting the Jewish armament and Rotenberg proposal and the establishment of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. In the second section he talked about their role in confronting the British Government on the political issue and reconciliation proposals , and on the administrative issue and government laws . At last the researcher talked about the detachment in the national movement and the effect of this detachment on the Islamic - Christian societies . He talked about the Zionist attempts to separate ( break up ) the "lines" of the Palestinian National Movement: the establishment of the Islamic National .j ". Society, then the National Party , the "Parties of Peasants" and the "Villages Co-operation Society" and the "Party of the Natives" and the effects of these societies & parties on the Islamic - Christian Societies . The relation between lslamics and the Arab official systems vibrated during the last three decades in the twentieth century. Political violence got more ethel more after Sep. 11lh 2001 through financial and security pursuit and security coordination with the Americans... etc in the American campaign on "terrorism". This campaign resulted 1Il the Islamic and their supporters through their rushing in political participation 1I1 any elections in every Arab country and practicing armed violence against exterior fores. This fact shows that lslamics felt that they were the target of the American war on "terrorism" and emphasizes the absence of Arab social voice and the extreme need for it. So I believe that there is an urgent need to have a real political development comprising all the political to give the chance for energies and inventions to overcome tyrany and aggression falling upon Arab societies by political systems.
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