التوقيت في الأحوال الشخصية

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Marwan Al-Qadoumi
Jamal Mohammad Mahmoud Izheer
Islam interested in time and exposed its value in response to the will of God, the aim of this study is to point out the value of time and expose its impact on religious laws side by side personal conditions. The study consists of five chapters in addition to the preface, introduction and the end. The preface: it discussed the concept of time and the aim behind creating right and daytime and the influence of chronology of the moon and the sun on religious law. This is also vivid in the matter of fasting and compulsory charity " Zakat". I noted down in this chapter the position of Islam of what is influenced by time regarding incidents. Chapter One: I dealt with the agreed upon indicators of puberty and those disagreed upon among scholars . I discussed the marriage of youngsters and the position of Islam regarding the time of marriage added to that the division of dowry into money paid in advance and the postponed money in addition to the time in which the wife deserves the whole amount of money. Chapter Two: I dealt with the subject of suckling and fostering as Islam considered suckling a right for the child within two years and suckling for two years causes prohibition of parentage. I discussed the duration of fostering for both male and female added to it the resulted consequences . The aim of Islam in pointing the duration of fostering is to safeguard the fostered from corruption. Chapter Three: it deals with the meaning of the concept of divorce and its laws and parts. I discussed the views of scholars regarding menstruation whether its purity or monthly period and I pointed out the consequences of this dispute; moreover, I discussed period during and its types and in this reference I clarified how it is calculated and its effects. Then, I explained the concept of entrustment and its time then I showed how do scholars calculated its duration? And what are the impacts of it?. Chapter Four: it deals with timing in heritage and bequeathal. Islam considered the death of legator a condition in the distribution of legacy. The death of legator is decided either by law or assumption as in missing cases. The scholars pointed out the time when it can be decided about the death of legator and how to assign the legacy of people who die in the same time. The chapter also refers to the view of scholars related to tergiversator and his possessions. The assumed death as in the cases of the death of fetus in which Islam attocated inherited blood money and the fetus in the womb gets his portions of legacy in this reference scholars mentioned cases of inheritance by pregnancy and what is assigned from legacy. It also deals with the concept of the will and the time in which it is clear and it is affected by the death of the legator and to whom its assigned then scholars pointed out the provision of the will to the dead and pregancy. Chapter Five: deals with the agreement of scholars regarding the least period of pregnancy that is six months and disagreed on the most period of pregnancy in this reference medicine decided that it is nine months. The research explores the method which exposes affirming parentage as " hanafieh" Pointed out that parentage is affirmed from the time of contract marriage as opposed Audience who conditioned the contract with commence and their aim is to protect ancestry. The study, thus, tried to highlight the value of time and its impact on provision in order to make time connected with provision and the commissioned with more attention and care. The secret of affliction by provisions might come from being committed to the time of provision without increase or decrease.
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