الأنشطة الترويحية المفضلة أثناء الوقت الحر عند طلبة جامعة النجاح الوطنية

Discussion Committee: 
عايدة حلمي ذياب حسين
This Study aimed at recognizer the recreational activities that the students of An-Najah National University prefer to perform in their leisures. The effect of independent variables like: students gender, college, a cadmic level, place of current living, and the currulative mean, is measured on these activities. This study, also, aimed at recognizing the (encouraging us daunting factors) that affect students taking part un such activities. A stratified random sample of (900) students was chosen depending on the independent variables: gender and college, from faculties of science Engineering, Education, and Liberal Arts. Statistical analyses were applied on (872) questionnaires designed previously to meet the requirements and gims of this study. The questionnaire was designed to contain different items to cover and be able to measure all domains of the different activities, the perfumed places to perform these activities, and the factors behind encouraging or discouraging such activities. Multivariate analysis (MANOVA) and one - way analysis (ANOVA) were used in addition to Scheffe's post-hoc comparison. Results do reveal that the most performed activities were those that are related to the social, cultural, and outdoor activities, and the less perfumed one's are those that are related to the artistic activities. The least perfumed activities were those that are related to collecting hobbies and sports. Results, do also, shed some light on the factors that encourage students to take part in the extra - curricular activities, they can be leveled as follows:- I. Motivation to take part in such activities. 2. The desire to consume free time. 3. Acquiring physical fitness. 4. Acquiring social skills. 5. Making victory in such activities. 6. Personal gains. The most perfumed places to perform those activities can be leveler as follows: 1- Home. 2- University Campus. 3- Clubs. 4- Local places. In addition, factors that are related to the University and society are considered to have negative effects that hinder students contribution in extra - curricular activities. Factors that are related to family have no effect in these regards. Results show that males scored a significant difference in all dornains when ( a = 0.01) . Humanitarian faculties scored a significant difference in all domains in comparison with other faculties. First-year students scored a significant difference in activities like: artistic, sports, out door, and hobbies of collection. In regard to the social domain, students who live in a city scored a significant difference in comparison with those who live in a refugee camp, and those who live in a village in comparison with those who live in a refugee camp also students currulative mean showed no difference as an independent variable. The researcher made the following recommendations: 1.The department of students' affairs ( Dosa) at An - Najah National University must pay attention to students extra curricula activities in domains like hobbies of collection, and sports, 'as they were less perfumed by the students. This could be done through the availability of suitable places and budgets. 2. The ( DOSA) should provide places suitable for female students. 3. The (DOSA) should make it very possible for the students of the faculty of science to practice activities through minimizing study hours.
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