Role of French Orientalists in Transmitting the Arab Culture to the West

Dr. Abdel Raouf Khabrosh

The orient lists had a major or noticeable role in developing the soul of translation and establishing relationships between the East and the West through the Saleebi wars. The orient lists reinforce the trade exchange through Seqelia and they help in the Islamic conquer to Al- Ndalus and the extension of the Ottoman State. During the Saleebi Wars the greatest translation movement was known in the history and lasted for two hundred years. Through this translation movement most of the Arab heritage was transmitted to the west. This gave the chance to the Arabic culture to enter through a wide door to the western civilization. As a result, there was an important effect contributed to highlight the western culture and civilization. The interest of the orient lists in the East Arab culture extended to the present time. This study sheds some light on the role of the French orient lists in transmission the Arabic culture to the West. The study doesn’t analyze the negative sides or it doesn’t handle the orientalists view to the East in the negative and positive sides. This Survey study throws some light on the area which the French orientalists considered for the Arabic culture through three cores:
1.The translation of references and Arabic books.
2.Studies on the Arabic literature.
3.Translation of literature works.