Maternal Mortality Rate in Palestine

Mr. Hisham Nana

The maternal mortality ratio (number of deaths per 100,000 lives births) has been declining globally at a rate of less than 1 per cent. The total number of women dying in pregnancy or childbirth has also shown a modest decrease in resent years .
However, maternal mortality is difficult to measure accurately, especially in the developing countries, which tend to have the highest maternal deaths, and the estimates are bounded by wide measures of uncertainty. According to a study in 2005 world total maternal mortality rate ranges from 220 to 650 with the developed regions only range between 8-17.
Maternal mortality rate is still difficult to estimate in Palestine. This is mainly due to either inadequate or incorrect data for maternal death. Palestinian Ministry of Health has recently founded a national committee which studies all maternal deaths in the country. MOH has made a questionnaire which contains information obtained from the family of died mother, and from attending medical & paramedical personnel.
Maternal deaths in Palestine are not that high if compared to other developing countries but the causes are still more or less the same.
Political crises, check points, negligence, bad management & lack of facilities are still an important factors contribute to the rise in maternal deaths among the Palestinian maternity deaths.
Palestinian Maternity care has recently improved a lot, this care can be better with the effort of other concerned personnel.