Human Papillomavirus and Cervical Cancer in Jordan

Mr. Maher A. Sughayer

Background: High risk HPV genotypes associated with cervical cancer have been repeatedly identified in most regions of the world. Types 16 and 18 are responsible for 74-77% of cervical cancers in western societies and for 65-70% in the rest of the world. In the Middle East information on the responsible genotypes is largely not available with few exceptions. Such information is badly needed especially now after the availability of vaccines directed towards the 2 most common types.

Objective: To determine the genotypes of HPV associated with cervical cancers in Jordan.
Methods: Cases of cervical cancer were identified from the archives of the pathology department. Those with available paraffin blocks were studied. DNA was extracted from the blocks. Multiplex PCR using a commercially available kit (Sacace Biotechnologies, Italy) was done. Gel electrophoresis and band identification was then carried out on the product.

Results: 48 cases (46 squamous cell carcinoma, 1 adenocarcinoma, 1 adenosquamous) were available for study but adequate DNA was available for only 41 cases. Type 16 was found in 68%, 18 in 24%, 39 and 56 in 10% each, 45 and 52 in 7% each, 33 in 5%, while 31, 35, 58 and 59 in 2% each of cervical cancer cases. None of the cases contained types 6, 11 or 66. Type 16 and or 18 were found in 75.6% of the cases.

Conclusion: Types 16 and 18 are the two most common genotypes found in cervical cancer in Jordan. The importance of other types is not clear because of the small number of the cases. Further studies are needed.