Attitudes Towards Collaborative Writing Among English Majors in Hebron University

Dr.Mohammed Abdel Hakim Farrah

This study investigates students’ attitudes towards enhancing the writing skills of Palestinian English Majors by using collaborative learning. The study was conducted at the English Department at Hebron University in the second and the summer semesters of the academic year 2010-2011. The study participants were taking Writing and the Integrated Language Skills courses. The population comprised 95 students. A 32-item questionnaire was used to assess the attitudes of the students toward collaborative learning. Moreover, the researcher investigated whether there was a significant difference in the attitudes of the students pertaining to gender, proficiency (GPA) and year of study or academic level.

The results indicate that the students had positive attitudes towards collaborative learning. Moreover, the results showed that female students favored collaborative activities more than male students. Statistically significant differences were also revealed regarding level of the students and their proficiency showing that low achievers and less advanced learners favored the collaborative activities.