فقه العلامة ابن خلدون في الخلافة والإمامة

أ‌. نعيم هدهود حسين موسى

Research of the jurisprudence of the scholar Ibn Khaldun. In regards to the succession of leadership and the Ruler of an Islamic Government. In terms of its concepts, terms, judgments, and rules of session. Also referring to the duties of the Imam and his rights. Ibn Khaldun shows the link between religion and politics and reveals his views espoused in this matter..
It also shows the parameters of the revival that has brought this issue to be linked. It discusses the construction of this concept in terms of the ignorance about it and the extent of satisfaction resulting from it..
Then the research concludes stating the most important findings of the researcher, and some important recommendations regarding this issue..
I ask God the Most High to grant me sincerity in secret and in public. All praises be to Allah, Lord of all creation.