The Effect of Multi-Representation Model Approach in Teaching Mathematics on the Achievement of 9th Grade Students and Their Attitudes Toward Mathematics in The District of Nablus

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Salah Yassin - Supervisor
Dr. Mohammad Al-Amleh - Member
Dr. Sufian Kamal - Member
Dr. Salah Yassin
Abdel-Hakim Salem Mohammad Salem
This study compared the results scored by two groups of 9th grade students after studying factorization of 1st and 2nd degree polynomials. One group was instructed wing the Multi-Representation Model Approach (MRMA) (Lesh, 1985), and the other group was instructed using the prescribed Textbook, Approach (PTA) which employs mainly single representations of concepts. The comparison was made on achievement, and transfer of learning and attitudes towards mathematics. Two boys' school and two girls' schools in Nablus District, Palestine, were involved in this study. The two 9th grade classes in the boys' schools were randomly assigned to the treatment and the control groups. The same was done to the two 9th grade classes in the two girls ' schools . Before the beginning of the study, the two groups responded to a pre-test on selected mathematics concepts and on a questionnaire measuring attitudes towards mathematics. Then instructional materials were given over seven lessons of 45 minutes each. The students were given a 45 minutes achievement post test, one day after the last scheduled class meeting. This post test consisted of 25 multiple choice items. In addition to 5 items that used to measure the transfer of learning in mathematics. Two-Way Analysis of Variance ( ANOVA ) was used to test whether there was any significant difference between the two groups in the three tests. Eight null hypotheses were of significant difference between the means of the scores at the level of (Alpha = 0.05) for the a achievement and the transfer tests. We may conclude that students in the (M.R.M.A.) perform better than the students in the (T.B.A.) in each of the two areas investigated. In addition, the Repeated Measures Design (R.M.D.) was used to test whether there were any significant differences between the means, on the attitude measure scale of the students before and after the experiment. Three null hypotheses were rejected at (Alpha = 0.05) level for the attitude averages. We may conclude that the (M.R.M.A.) changes also the attitudes of students toward mathematics positively in the four factors investigated in the questionnaire. Finally, the researcher hopes to strengthen this study by repeating it on a larger scale, such as studies involving different populations and different concepts in mathematics to determine if the results in this study remain the same. This study recommends also both the teachers of mathematics and the authers of mathematics text books to use the M.R.M.A. in their work.
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