Al - Emam Abu Hafs Omar Bin Ali Bin Adel Al -Hanbali Who Was Died In 880 Hijra and His Way In Explaining

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Muhsen Smeeh Al-Khalidy
Abd-Hai Hasan Mussa Abaljeed
This study was about Al-Emam Abu Hafss Omar Ben Ali Ben Addle Al-Han- baly Who was died in 880Hijra and his way in explaining it contains Four parts and their followers .The beginning of this study was about Ibin Addle biography about his time w- hen he lived all things about his life and about his born and his religion and its effect also about his science effect. Then the sentence about Ibin Addles way in explain which includes the appearance of his sources in explain from explaining book and Quran science also Ass-una book and Arabic language and structure , also this study in clouds talking ab- out his way in explaining . After that the speech was about Ibin Addls ways in explain spastically which includes that he used all the things which connected with explaining Quran by Q-uran , and explaining Quran by Alssuna ,also explain Quran by that the prophets friends explained and it appeared his idea about Israeli station . His way in explain connected with opinions and all the things which connected with language , structure , and his opinion from the issue of organization and impossible things also he discussed all the Quran,s sciences which used in explain. Then the speech finally was about Ibin Addle situation in explaining things and his effect on the other explainers which includes discussion of the largest explainers and explain why he preferred things or opinion rather than other , he appeared his situation from the translators , also it includes the value of his explanations through studying and explaining his hard work in explaining things , also he appeared the addition explanation which his work includes and pointed to his effect on the explainers who came after him At the end I put the index for this study.
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