God Law in Assessment of Livelihoods, A Quranic Study

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Mohsen Elkhaldi
Asma' Abdel Rahim Abdullah Hammoudeh
I started my study in the first chapter with the definition of the words (law, and income) in the language and terminology and the Quranic term, and I talked about the importance of studying the divine laws that govern human life, so that the Muslim remains awake ,aware and walking in life according to these laws, then dealt with the types of livelihoods, and then moved to talking about the divine laws that govern the issue of livelihood, and indicated in Chapter Two that livelihood is in God's , and I talked about God's name AL- Razzaq, and requirements of this name, and the impact of livelihood doctrine on the Muslim. In Chapter Three I talked about the law of difference between people's livelihoods, and the wisdom from that ,and Muslim's attitude towards taking and giving the livelihood. Then I moved to chapter Four I indicated the good deeds that increase and bless the livelihood , and the sins which decreases and the destroys the livelihood , and I also discussed the term of increase and decrease of livelihood and I mentioned religious scientist' sayings and proofs , then I concluded the right opinion , then I presented Quranic samples about increasing the livelihood by good deeds and destroying it by sins and bad deeds. In chapter Five I talked about the issue of the connection between the livelihood in life with its causes contrasting the livelihood in The Other Life, I compared between the livelihood during life and in The Other Life , and I came across the law connection between reasons and causes in livelihood issue. and I indicated that trust in God doesn’t contrast with considering with causes , on the contrary it's part of trusting God. Then I talked about the wisdom from connection between reasons and causes. At the end I presented the most important results and recommendations.
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