Study and Evaluation of Environmental Impact Quarries in Jamma'in-southern Nablus

Discussion Committee: 
Dr.. Ahmed Ra'fat Ghodieh/supervisor
Dr. Shehda Joda/co-supervisor
Dr. Hussen Al-Remawee/external examiner
Dr. Hussen Ahmmad/internal examiner
Dr.. Ahmed Ra'fat Ghodieh/supervisor
Dr. Shehda Joda/co-supervisor
Aziz Jaber Jamil Sadiq
This study aims to examine and evaluate the Impact of stone quarries in the Jammai'n area on the environment and to study the impact on humans and the environment and the economy. In order to achieve the objectives of this study . it was divided into six main chapters The first chapter includes the problem of the study and its goals ,The area of study ,the study hypotheses and previous studies. The second chapter covers the most important causes and types of the pollution The third chapter has been a comprehensive study the region from the perspective of economic and natural geography . the Fourth chapter contains the environmental impact study of the stone quarries and crushers. on the natural , environmental, human and economic aspects (Population and their property and ornamental plants and fruit trees, olives and olive oil, and groundwater) The Fifth chapter included the assessment of the environmental impact of stone quarries and crushers .through the use of a group of models to assess the environmental impact Where tables were used .Leopold matrix, direct way and popular participation way Last Chapter VI. Has dealt with the most important results of the study and the recommendations that emerged from. The study found the most important results 1. That more seasons affected by the pollutants is summer and more times are the times of the morning and the afternoon. 2. Diversity of pollutants from quarries between solids and gaseous materials. But most affected is the air pollution by dust resulting from the quarries. 3 Study showed that pollutants stone quarries and crushers affect human health. and that some residents suffered from some diseases caused by pollution. Especially respiratory ailments, eye and skin diseases. 4.The study showed that the quarries affect property rights in terms of the dirty exterior walls and clean houses. 5 .The dust emitted from the stone quarries and crushers leads to wilting foliage and delay their growth and low productivity. 6. Shows that pollutants do not affect the soil and household water collection wells as much as they affect the public health. 7.Annual production rate of quarries sector. 8. The study showed that pollution from quarries in Jammai'n area inflicted damage to the property of the population plants. public health. and cause of many diseases. So population show special attention to this problem. 9. Residents feel shortness of breath and feel for different air Jammai'n for other areas 10. People make an effort and time-consuming to clean furniture, curtains and home gardens because these pollutants. 11.There is dissatisfaction of the population. Against government measures to mitigate the pollution .Without proper planning in the selection of search sites Sometimes they look for homes. 12.The study found that there no have been improvement on the environmental situation in the town Jammai'n brought the Palestinian National Authority.
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