SALMON -(PBUH)- in the Holy Quran

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Khalid Olwan
Hammam Hasan Yousuf Salloum
This study talks about Salmon the prophet (pbuh) and traces wherever he is mentioned in the Holy Quran. It defines many aspects related to his personality including his noble birth, genealogy, the era when he lived and the environment. It focuses mainly on the knowledge God granted him, his miracles which obviously mark his great reign and show his strength and wisdom. These include his story in the ants' valley, with the hoopoe and the Queen of Saba' that resulted in the Islam of the queen due to the miraculous deeds done by him. The study also counteracts lies and tales he was accused of, mainly being a magician. It talks in detail about his story with the horses (of the best and noble quality). His seduction with the body laid on his thrown. Throwing light on these issues, giving the right explanation and showing that he is an infallible prophet, granted with impeccability from God and protected from sin and offence. Finally the study ends with his death which was a lesson to charge a false dominant doctrine during that era.
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