The Wisdom Taken from Ibrahim's Prophecy (pbh)

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Khader Sawandak
Nujood F.A. Suradi
Mind is too limited and incapable to figure out the wisdom and the moral that controlled the words and the deeds of determining messenger. These deeds which made him deserve God's love, and Creed, Interpretation, Hadeeth, and history scientists' focus. Never the less, out of his life (P.B.U.H) we can abstract lessons that make each teacher and educator interested. First: History scientists had many opinions concerning the name of Ibrahim's father (P.B.U.H), they also differed about Ibrahim's date and place of birth, and the details of his travels and emigrations, but this difference doesn't matter in Islam because there is not big knowledge depends on it, even though Allah didn't mention it; because the wisdom of Quran stories is to find out lessons. Second: Ibrahim's life (P.B.U.H) was completely full of great plagues, in which he appeared a lot of patience, confidence and happiness with the act of Allah, without grief or hesitation. Third: Ibrahim (P.B.U.H) used all of the possible methods in delivering his messege, such as individual and collective confrontation, proving his messege by evidence, discussion and pun. Forth: Ibrahim (P.B.U.H) had changed denier by his tongue and by hands through breaking the idols, and since his faith was never weak, he never changed denier by his heart. Fifth: Ibrahim (P.B.U.H) had built Al-Aqsa Masged after forty years of building Al-Ka'aba Muslim's praying victor- which was chosen for that after Al-Aqsa Masged had been the praying victor for many years. Sixth: Ibrahim (the father of prophets) (P.B.U.H) and Mohammad (the last of them) (P.B.U.H) were similar in mien, acts, pray, Allah and people's love and the rank in this life and the other one.
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