The Abbreviated Letters (Al-Muqatta't)

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Mohsen S. Al-khaldy
Dr.Mhoamad Al-Saied
Fadil Abbas Saleh Abed-Elatief Abu Isa
This research aims to define the abbreviated letters (Al-muqqtta) which come at the beginning of Suras of the Holy Quran Twenty nine Suras of the Holy Quran start with the abbreviated letters and nothing be mentioned that prophet Muhammad peace be upon him talk about their meaning, all of these Suras are revealed in Mecca excepting two revealed in Al-Madinah. This method was known before Islam by the people of the book, Christians and Jews, or by Arabs before Islam, but it was completely different than the method of the Holy Quran. These abbreviated letters have connection with numerical coordination, but no connection with the number of letters, which was known by Jews. The Religions people have more than twenty sayings about these letters, out of them are more acceptable to clear up the miraculous nature of the Holy Quran, the affirmation of Prophecy and the truth fullness of the Prophet peace be upon him. Some of these abbreviated letters are considered Sura and some not, also, there is a connection between the Suras which start with the abbreviated letters.
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