The Impact of Income Tax on Financing The Listed Corporation in Palestinian Security Exchange

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Hisham Jabr
Abderrahman Oqla Ali Salfiti
This thesis examines the effect of income taxes on corporations financing - a case study on corporations being listed at the Palestinian securities exchange market located in Nablus. The study consists of five chapters as the following: The first chapter is the introduction, the statement of the problem, importance and objectives for the study. This is in addition to describing the conduct and the limitations of the study. The second chapter deals with taxes; varieties, characteristics, the taxing system as well as focusing on income tax and elaborating on the income before taxes, taxes rebate and the expenses that are being excluded from the income statement. The third chapter discusses corporations; the characteristics and the formulation, the equity capital that consists of common stock, preferred, paid in capital and retained earnings in addition to analyzing the cost of capital for corporations. This is in addition to investigating the sources of financing for their corporations, short term, medium term and long term financing. The fourth chapter introduces the Palestinian securities exchange market and the listed corporation in this market as well as discussing the exchange itself in regards to the establishment, objectives, the structure, membership, and the listed corporation with their financial statements. The fifth chapter concludes that corporations can be divided into two parts: - First: Debt corporations that depend solely in financing their assets on debt depending on the interest expenses being deducted from the operating income for tax purposes. - Second: No-debt corporations that depend exclusively in financing their asset on equity except for seasonal needs and emergencies. The study concludes the following: 1. Corporations has to verify and investigate the optimum financial structure that is characterized by profitability, flexibility and control to fulfill debt obligations as they come due. 2. Constitutions are to be legislated to encourage investment in corporations. 3. Governmental regulations have to be of those that encourage savings and investment. 4. Corporation have to determine the optimal capital structure that minimizes cost. 5. Seasonal needs have to be financed on short term basis and thus utilizing the privilege of deducting interest expenses for tax purposes. 6 .Improving the Palestinian securities exchange market. 7. Renovating the policies of corporate income taxes to respond to the contemporary needs of social and economic development.
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