The Effect of Gymnastic Course on selected Physical Abilities and Self - Esteem Amongst Females Physical Education students in Palestinian Technical University

Discussion Committee: 
Prof . Imad Saleh Abdul Haq/supervisor
Dr . Walid Abdel Fattah Khanfar/co-supervisor
Dr.Jamal Abu-Besharah/external examiner
Prof. Abdel-Nasser Khadoumee/internal examiner
Prof . Imad Saleh Abdul Haq/supervisor
Dr . Walid Abdel Fattah Khanfar/co-supervisor
Rasha Rashad Musameh
The study aimed to identify the effect of gymnastic course on some physical abilities and self - esteem amongst female students in the department of physical education at the Palestinian Technical University. To achieve this, the study was conducted on a sample of (30) female students ,the sample was divided equally into two groups , the experimental group and control group , the researcher used the experimental method with pre –test and pos-test for physical abilities: ( muscle strength , flexibility, agility , and speed ) , and self - esteem , and the researcher used statistical software packages (SPSS) to analyze the results . The results of the study revealed appositive effect of the study of gymnastic course (experimental group) on all physical abilities and self- esteem , where the percentage of change between pre and post tests were as follow: muscle strength ( 87.43 % ) , flexibility ( 18.19% ) , agility ( 7.08 %), speed ( 11.87 % ), and self-esteem ( 18.21% ). In addition, The results of the study revealed appositive effect of the study of others courses (control group) on all physical abilities , where the percentage of change between pre and post tests were as follow: muscle strength ( 41.29 %), flexibility ( 9.90 %), agility ( 2.07% ) , speed (6.36 %), and there were no significant effect on self-esteem. Also, the results of the study also showed a statistically significant differences in the post-test for all variables between the experimental group and the control group in favor of the experimental group. Based on the findings of the study the researcher recommended several recommendations including: generalize the results of the current study on Palestinian universities to benefit the instructors in developing a plan of teaching courses for female students of Physical Education. Key words : Gymnastic course , physical abilities ,self - esteem ,female students , Physical Education , Palestinian Technical University.
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