اثر برنامج تدريبي مقترح لتنمية مهارة فهم المقروء باللغة العربية لدى طلبة الصف السادس الأساسي في محافظة سلفيت

Discussion Committee: 
د. محمود تيسير الشخشير - رئيسا
د. زهير ابراهيم - ممتحنا خارجيا
أ.د. جودت أحمد سعادة - عضوا
د. شحادة عبده - عضوا
د. محمود تيسير الشخشير
عمران احمد علي مصلح
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of a suggested training program in developing understanding skill of reading comprehension in Arabic language for sixth’s grade students in Salfit district. The researcher in this study tried to answer the following questions: 1-What is the students level in sixth`s grade in understanding the four reading comprehension skills in Arabic language (understanding vocabulary,structure, minor themes, and main themes) ? 2-What is the students’ level in sixth’s grade in the three texts (religious,literary, and scientific)? 3-Are there any significant statistical differences in the level (α=. 05) in understanding the four reading skills in Arabic language due to gender and method and the interaction between them ? 4-Are there any significant statistical differences in the level (α =.05) in the three texts due to gender and method and the interaction between them ? 5-Are there any significant statistical differences in the level (α =.05) in understanding of reading comprehension skills in Arabic language between the students in the four groups ? 6-Are there any significant statistical differences in the level (α =.05) in the three texts between the students in the four groups ? The sample of the study consisted of`(l52) male and female students of sixth’s grade in Salfit district, it was chosen randomly from the population of the study, and the sample distributed into four groups randomly as followed: Tow experimental groups (one of males, and one of females), and tow traditional groups (one of males,rand one of females). It represented of (10%) from the population of the study which consisted of (1452) students scholastic year (2000/2001). who study in the sixth's grade in Salfit district in the second semester of the To achieve the study purposes and to answer its questions, a suggested training program was built, which consisted of eleventh texts. The researcher also prepared a follow test to measure the degree of the students understanding, the test consisted of five texts which were chosen Hom the Arabic curriculum for sixth`s grade in some Arabic countries, the texts of the program and the test were totally new for the students. And ajury of experts judged the training program and the test. And the reliability of the test was calculated by using (Person) connection factor. After implementing and correcting the test, the researcher used the following statistical treatments: 1-To know the students` level in the four skills and the three texts, averages and percentages were used. 2-To test the two hypotheses about interaction between gender and method in influence on the four skills and three texts, (Two Way ANOVA) was used. 3-To test the tow hypothesis about the four skills, and the three texts (One Way ANOVA) was used. 4-To know on favor of whom were the differences in the four skills, and the three texts, and the total degree between the students in the four groups. the researcher used (Scheffe test). The study showed the following results: A- High level of students` performance for structure skill. lt percentage was (86.2%). While about the texts, the religious text achieved the highest level, and its performance percentage was (82.9%). B- There was no significant statistical interaction between gender and method in the influence on the four skills individually and altogether, there was also significant statistical in vocabulary and the partial ideas in favor of female. Whereas there were no significant statistical in idioms and main ideas. There was also no significant statistical in the four skills individually and altogether due to the method. C-There was no significant statistical interaction between gender and the method in influencing on the three texts individually and altogether. there was significant statistical in the tree texts individually and altogether in favor of female but there were no significant differences about thc method. In the end of the study. the researcher recommended of the following: Benefit of the study results in adopting other methods in training students in the four skills , and concentrating on the texts which showed a low level of students performance on it, and there are: The literary and scientific texts compared with the religious text. And finally the researcher recommended of doing such experimental studies like this study in different grades at schools, especially for other skills of understanding reading comprehension skills in the explaining and application levels.
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