اثر استخدام إستراتيجية معدلة لحل المسالة الهندسية على مقدرة طلبة الصف الثامن الأساسي لحل مسائل مشابهة لها في مدارس مدينة نابلس الحكومية

Discussion Committee: 
د. صلاح الدين ياسين- رئيساً
د. سعيد عساف- ممتحناً خارجياً
د. شحادة مصطفى عبده- عضواً
د. غسان الحلو- عضواً
د. صلاح الدين ياسين
راسم مصطفى صالح مصطفى
"The impact of the use of a modified strategy for the solving of the geometric problem regarding the ability of students in the eighth grade in respect to solving similar problems. at the government schools in the city of Nablus". The study aims at knowing the impact of training students in the eighth grade in Nablus city in regard to a modified strategy for the solving of the geometric problem as to their ability on solving similar problems, and knowing the impact of the gender issue on the students’ ability in solving geometric problems. The modified strategy that had been used in training the students consists of four stages:- The First, the knowledge and understanding of the problem (a fast reading of the problem to formulate an idea about it ; slow and more sighted reading; rephrasing the problem in the student’s language; defining the information's and the main question; reshaping the problem through drawing. The Second, planning for the solution look for an intelligent flash for the solution; and answering the following questions: Are the contents of the problem sufficient for the solution?; Are there any unneeded information's for the solution? Can you find a similar problem? Can you find a more simple problem? Can you express the problem in El-gabratic form? Does the problem need to generate new information's? The Third, producing an implementing the solution. Start solving the problem by using all the information's available for you. The Fourth, reviewing and testing the solution. (follow the same stemps for the solution once more; is there another way for solving the problem? Make sure that the solution and the results are right),The researcher divided the questions in the Triangle Unite into four categories as follows: The problems which need proofing; finding the measurements of the unknown angles, the Phetogorus’ Theory and related exercises; finding the length of the sides by the use of non Phetagorus theory). The study had tried to answer the following questions: 1- ls there an impact which has statistical factor regarding the students’ ability in solving geometric problems which is related to the methods of teaching (with a modified strategy, without a modified strategy)? 2- ls there an impact that has a statistical factor regarding the students’ ability for solving geometric problems that is related to the gender of the student? 3- ls there an impact that has a statistical factor regarding the students’ ability in solving geometric problems which is related to the interaction between the methods of teaching and the gender of the student? The group of this study consisted of students of both sex (male and female students) in the eighth grade that were studying at the governmental schools in the city of Nablus during the academic year (1998/1999) . They were (835) male and (901) female. However, the sample was random and was divided into two groups:- A- The Controlled group: it consisted of two classes of male students, and another two of female students, with a total of (69) and (83) respectively, this group studied the geometric contents in the Triangle Unit by the traditional method. B- The experimental group 2 it consisted of two male classes and two female ones, numbering (70) and (83) respectively, this group studied the geometric contents in the Triangle Unit by using the modified strategy. For the purpose of the study, a specially prepared achievement test had been used. The test consisted in its final form of five questions, which covered the four categories of the questions in the Triangle Unit. The researcher, in order to test the reliability of the achievement test, introduced the test to an expert committee, and made the necessary changes upon its recommendations. The researcher calculated the reliability coefficient by re-implementing the test through a time span of (11) days, then the researcher find the (Berson factor) between the students’ grades (results) in the first test and the grades in the second one. As a result the reliability coefficient came to (0.886). At the end of the experiment the achievement test was used on students of both the controlled and experimental groups. The papers were graded and the necessary statistical treatments were done in order to reach at the conclusions and recommendations; These are as follows:- A- There is an impact with statistical factor (α = 0.05) regarding students’ ability in solving geometric problems that is related to the methods of teaching, and for the benefit of teaching by using the modified strategy. B- There is an impact with a statistical factor (α = 0.05) regarding students’ ability in solving problems (The Proof, Phetagorus Theory and related exercises) which has to do with the methods of teaching, and for the benefit of using the modified strategy. C- There is no impact of a statistical factor (α = 0.05) regarding the students’ ability in solving problems (finding the measurements of the un-known triangles, finding the length of the sides by using Theories except Phetagorus theory) which is related to teaching methods. D- There is an impact of a statistical factor (α = 0.05) regarding the students ability in solving geometric problem whichotis related to the gender issue, for the benefit of females. E- There is an impact of a statistical factor (α = 0.05) regarding the students ability in solving problems (of proofing, finding measurements of un-known angles, Phetagorus Theory and related exercises, finding the length of the sides by using non-Phetagorns Theory) which is related to the gender issue, and for the benefit of females also. F- There is no impact of a statistical factor (α = 0.05) regarding the students ability in solving geometric problems with respect to the inter-relations between teaching methods and students’ gender,Upon the previous conclusions, the study recommends:- 1. The importance of having clear strategies with defined steps in the math. Text-books at schools, particularly in regard to solving geometric problems. 2. The search for effective strategies for solving the kind of geometric problems which the strategy in this study has failed to be effective for solving them.
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