Schools' Crises in the Governmental Secondary Schools in the Northern Directories of Education in the West Bank/ Palestine

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Monday, February 16, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Ghassan Hilo

The purpose of this study was to investigate the school crises encountered by governmental secondary schools principals in the Northern Directories of Education in the West Bank/ Palestine. Furthermore, its purpose was to determine the differences in school crises level in accordance with the variables of school's gender, years of experience, academic degree, and the Directory. To achieve the research objectives, a questionnaire was developed and applied to a sample of (132) male and female principals from secondary schools in the Northern Directories of Education in the West Bank. The questionnaire contained (46) items on schools' crises which cover the domains of the study, and (8) items measure the methods of dealing with them. The results indicated that there was a moderate degree of schools' crises level in the secondary schools in the Northern Directories of Education in the West Bank, and the overall percentage of response amounted to (%33.3). Also, the results revealed that the crises that were related to qualitative crises came to achieve a higher mean, then the crises that were related to psychological and social crises, and the crises that were related to administrative crises, and finally crises that were related to behavior crises, in addition to, there were significant differences on all domains in accordance with the school gender variable in favor of male schools, and on behavior crises domain according to academic degree variable in favor of higher than BA, and on qualitative crises according to the Directory variable in favor of Nablus Directory. The principal himself was the first method of dealing with the schools' crises, whereas, the reform committee came to be the last.

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