The Role of Communication Campaigns in Changing Human Behavior

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Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Abdeljawad Abdeljawad

This research endeavors to uncover the ways and means which can be used to harness mass media/mass communication to persuade people to follow certain health behaviors or dissuade them from doing others. It does not focus on a certain health issue in terms of symptoms and cure. This effort relates to the subject of development communication, which began during the middle of the last century. It tries to use mass communication towards a comprehensive development: Population, economic, political, and social, like long-term development, equality of opportunities and rights, ideal motherhood, the rights of having children, eradicating family violence and negative effects on the environment, among others. The study deals with communication campaigns of how to create changes in a group or society’s behavior towards a specific health issue such as persuasion methods and ways, and the needed communication campaign, in addition to the obstacles facing communication campaigns.

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