Readability Level of the Arabic Language Textbook for Ninth Grade in Palestine

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Omar Dahalan

The study aimed at measuring the level of the readability of the Arabic language textbook for 9th grade in Palestine and identifying the effect sex of student as well as the kind of text in the readability level. To achieve the goals of the study a cloze test was designed for three texts of the textbook. The test was implemented on a sample that consisted of (69) male and female students chosen randomly. (28) Male students and (41) female students from 9th grad in UNRWA schools in western Rafah area. The findings of the study revealed that the level of readability in the Arabic language textbook for 9th grade is high. The readability percentage for students in the independent and educational levels reached (62,32%). The finding also revealed that there are no statistically significant differences in the readability level of the book due to the sex variable and the type of the reading topic( reading or poetry).

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