Problems Facing Educational Counselors in Their Counseling Work in Governmental Schools in the Northern Governorates from the Perspective of Supervisors of Educational Counseling

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Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Motasem Mosleh
& Bashar Ainabousi

This study aimed at knowing the problems facing educational counselors in governmental schools in the Northern Governorates (the West Bank Governorates) from the perspective of supervisors of educational counseling. For this purpose, a referred questionnaire by Mosleh for the year 2014 was used. It consists of five axes. The first axis is represented in the problems related to the school principal. The second axis is related to the teacher. The third axis is related to the educational counselor. The fourth axis is related to the student. The last axis is related to the society. The study was conducted on all the responding individuals of the study population whose number is 28 male and female supervisors from an original number of 33 supervisors. Then the questionnaire which adopted the five-point scale was distributed. Among the results of the study is the existence of several problems including what was in the fourth axis (the student). These problems re: lack of interest shown by the student in the aims of educational counseling at school, the student’s lack of respect for individual counseling sessions with the educational counselor. As for the fifth axis (the local society) the problems included the guardians’ decreasing of the role of counseling services offered by the educational counselor in the school, the guardians’ not following up with the educational counselor the issues of their children in the school, the weak role of Palestinian mass media in following up the importance of the role of the educational supervisor, and the lack of participation on the part of the guardians in the meetings which the counselor calls for. It was also indicated that there are differences in the arithmetic means of the total degree of the problems which face educational counselors in their counseling work at governmental schools in the West bank Governorates from the perspective of supervisors of educational counseling which are due to the gender variable in favor of males, the experience variable in favor of 3-6 years of experience, the specialization variable in favor of educational and psychological counseling and for the educational qualification variable in favor of the Ph.D. degree.

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