Orchestral for Arabic Instrumental Forms Sama’e as a Model

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Sunday, August 18, 2013
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Haitham Sukkarie

Arabic music is characterized by a variety of melodies and a lot of modes, While Western music is characterized by richness of Harmony and Orchestration in two scales (Major and Minor), most of Arabs National composers combined Oriental and western music together by utilizing theories of harmony and counter point to enrich the music of East and present it in a new style Commensurate with the audience high taste. Although there are a large number of orchestral works for Arab composers, but the Majority was in western forms, this contrasts with the principles for the school of nationalism which relied on the use of local styles, Arabic musical composing forms not less important than western if we use it correctly to save the balance between the Modernity and originality.

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